Brief essays, quotes, talks, and excerpts from longer works by various contemplatives and spiritual journeyers:
The Love by Which We are Loved and Love -- Caryll Houselander
Seeing God
A Contemplative Review of The Life of Pi
We, the Ordinary People of the Streets -- Madeleine Delbrel
A Sweet Lesson on Patience -- NYC cab driver
Letting Go and Staying Engaged -- Jane E. Vennard
Re-Seeing the Church: Q & A with Fr. Carl Arico
Delighting in the View, Fr. Gregory Boyle
Some Thoughts on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Beyond, Matthew Fox
Father James Martin on "Of Gods and Men"
Thich Nhat Hanh's Message to Japan After the Earthquake-Tsunami
Ash Wednesday: Waking Up -- Richard Rohr
The Value of Ritual in Sustaining Prayer -- Ronald Rolheiser
Running with Mary: My Thing for the BVM -- Jane Russell Simmins
Psychic Numbing in the Information Age -- Henri Nouwen et al.
The Liminal Christian -- brief excerpt from Carl McColman's book
Faith vs. Belief -- from Rami Shapiro's Spirituality and Health column
Fresh Assurance -- Howard Thurman
Links to good articles elsewhere:
Religion: Inside and Out -- Corey DeVos
Dear God...Five Things Religion Haters Should Know -- Stuart Davis